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April 8, 1998: I spent a few hours last night making (trying anyway) Myth patches. I followed th tutorial I mentioned yesterday and it worked perfectly on Crow's Bridge. However, when I tried to do "Shadow of the Mountain" and "Flight from Covenant", my resulting files were not used by Myth. I don't know what I was doing wrong. I will experiment further.Also, on a happy note, my server now has 2.5GB of additional space. Most of it is allocated to other stuff, but I do have 500 megs just for Myth stuff.
Third, I know a lot of people are wondering what the story is with the reset, and all the funny messages in rooms lately. Bungie is testing out several new ideas with the bailer penalties, etc., so you may see some odd stuff. Just don't worry about it. When the penalty goes into place in its final form, the reset will fix any scoring/ranking problems you have experienced due to the testing. Just play on and have fun.
Something specific is the "free drops" thing that has been discussed. There will be x free drops per day to allow people who have legitimate problems to not be harrassed. It won't be many, and probably less than you saw online last night. Just wait for the final rules to be in place and I promise to explain them here.
Last but not least, I added a link to Malt-O-Meal's "The Myth is Real: Let's Eat". This site has lots of good stuff, including news, strategy, and a good Newbie guide that every new player should read. Also, Malt-O-Meal is the guy that wrote some of the walkthroughs on this site, so you KNOW I think he does quality work!
April 7, 1998: I have some Official Admin News. The score reset will be hopefully at the end of next week, pending the approval of some final changes in the host drop penalties. So you can all stop asking, because now you know! Specifics are forthcoming about the dropper penalty, but let it suffice to say it has most of what everyone wants.
Warning! Minor Rant Approaching!
Another thing. Please do not email me asking to be an admin. I don't really care who did or did not say they would vote for you, etc. The truth is this: we the admins do NOT decide who gets to be an admin. All we do is give final approval or denial to Bungie's selections. And I'll tell you something else too. There are plenty of people who would make good admins ahead of you that are not getting to be admins either. If Bungie wants more admins they will find them. You really can't do anything to affect who is chosen besides being an outstanding citizen on
</RANT>Wanna learn to edit units/maps in Myth? Hex-editing the tags.gor file is the WRONG way to do it. Learn how from Tycho's Guide. This is a really nice intro to Myth plug-ins. Armed with this really useful info I hope to hack up some fun tools to bring plug-in creation to the masses. Whee!
Also, I updated the FAQ with a saved-game editing question after some email I received.
April 6, 1998: My server is out of disk space. I am trying to get some more, but you may have some performance problems until I do. Just a fair warning.
Also, I still have no home net connection. Please don't send me any files until I get it back. I already have 120 messages sitting in my inbox when I get home. I certainly don't mind messages, but if I can keep the byte count down I'd appreciate it. I'm still modem-bound at home.
Be sure to check out the Myth Developer News site. It has all kinds of low-down stuff on making Myth maps. I am looking forward to more content from this site.
Also, I updated the link to Beguiler's Myth Mandrake Connection with his new URL.
April 3, 1998: What a long week. Well, Bungie has taken yet another step towards making a better place. The leaderboard now shows player logins as well as their screen names. Now you really know who is playing fair and who isn't.
I should have my phone lines soon, which means you will get the next walkthrough. Special thanks once again to "Malt-O-Meal" for his ongoing efforts. Maybe the end will come after all.
Also, this week the site broke 51,000 unique home page impressions (not hits, but actual visits). This site is currently averaging about 11,000 hits per week. 67.9% of the visitors use some flavor of Netscape, while 29.8% use Internet Explorer. The rest are a mix of "Teleport Pro", Cyberdog, and various others. See all the stats by clicking on the counter at the bottom of the page.
Finally, there are now 30 admins, including the several new ones that work for Bungie. I think this will be it, but that's not up to me. We now have sufficent forces to really make a difference.
April 2, 1998: April Fools! It was a joke. A great joke, but a joke all the same. Case made the whole mesh bug up, and all of us webmasters were in on it. Basically everyone got together and made the units line up to look like this:
Pretty good trick if I do say so. So you can all stop the looting and panic, order has again been restored. See the whole ring of accusations at once by clicking HERE (thanks to Christopher for summarizing). I especially want to thank the good folks at VR Rabbits for letting me berate them, even if it was only in good fun.
April 1, 1998: VR Rabbits has really pissed me off. I had just recently linked to their excellent website, and then they go and leak this really awful Myth bug. Despite what Case at The Myth Codex says (he blames me), this leak was NOT my fault. The VR guys leaked it, I just confirmed what they had already said because I had to under the circumstances to protect the honest Myth players out there.
We were all trying to keep this a secret until Bungie could fix it, but the VR guys (Deathwhore and kentaro) couldn't keep their mouths shut. This new mesh flaw cheat is really awful, and it could ruin in a hurry. Basically it makes it so someone can win games at will, achieving unbelievable ratios in the process. However, I don't want anyone to think that this is my fault. I am including an example film so you can see how it's done. That way you can know if it happens to you and respond appropriately. Get the film HERE. While you're at it, go to the VR Rabbits site and yell at them for me. They should be ashamed.
In other, less dire news, bailing in unranked rooms gives you a loss if you are hosting. This is probably temporary, but just in case, don't do it until this is resolved.
March 31, 1998: Lots of news. I am doing this from work because we will not have our phone lines hooked up in the new house until Friday.
Everyone is up in arms because of the leaderboard shakeup. Bungie has cracked down on the cheaters, and it's about time. As long as you don't bail when you are losing, you will not have the problem of finding yourself losing points automagically.
I was computerless for the weekend, and a lot has happened to make a better place. Trust me on this one, the players who got busted deserved it. The logs do not lie. It will only get better for those of us who are honest players.
Case and Ferrex have some cool screen shots of even more neat projectiles (I personally like the wight arrows best). Go take a look. If you will recall, they also broke the story on the Rhi'Anon (sp?) bomb a while back. I actually tried that one out, and it was pretty cool. I can see some serious carnage with super-health units like trow and giants firing rhi-bombs and flaming arrows in my future, and yours too.
We moved into the house this weekend, so I am exhausted. I'll update again later.
March 27, 1998: Added a link to Gaming on Happy Mac. This site has some neat new stuff including a list of Myth jargon, some strategy, etc. Check it out!
On a personal note, my wife and I closed on our new house today. Yeeha, I am now going to be in debt until the year 2028! Feel free to send me sympathy money!
March 25, 1998: Added a link to The Professional Dwarven Golf Association. This is really great, and I bet it's not something Bungie ever thought of! Check it out!
March 24, 1998: Added a link to the Myth TCP Game Registry. Now you have another way to play besides A neat idea.
Not much else to report. I am getting ready to move into my new house (closing Friday), so I may not get in much Myth time for the next week or so.
March 22, 1998: First, check out The Dungeon, a new site dedicated to getting the losers off of A great idea, so go there and do what you can to help!
I'm going to get in some playing tonight, and I will be adminning some too. Watch out for me, and say hi. BTW, Case at the Myth Codex has some screenshots for hex-editing Myth to get some neat new projectiles... something akin to "trow bombs". Check it out!
March 19, 1998: Had a meeting of the minds last night with 10 admins plus our Bungie liason. Cleared up a lot of things people were wondering about. Some words to ponder: penalties, tournanents, resets, cycles, bailers, 3rd party maps. Even though we can't tell you anything about any of this, you can rest assured that Bungie and your friendly neighborhood admins are working to make what we all want it to be. Is that vague enough?
In other Myth news, the Solo Dark Scenarios are out. They let you play the same maps as the regular solo, but with different goals, and you play with dark units instead of light ones. Neat idea. Anyway, go get it at the VR Rabbits website.
March 15, 1998: Got in some good play time this weekend. Actually played a couple of ranked games for the first time in many months, and had fun doing it. A possible tip: if you want to play ranked games with people who have a good attitude, you may have better luck in the off-peak hours (like Saturday morning).
All of us know that Body Count on the two "desert" maps is the most popular game on Many of us complain about this, and wonder what the attraction could be. I will admit I have not played many Body Count games, for all the reasons that everyone has cited. All the same, I was curious why people played it so much.
So what did I do? Well, I found someone looking for a 1 vs 1 BC game on Desert (light), and I joined in. I was not using my regular screen name, so he didn't know me. He was hosting, and set it all up. When the game started, I got two wights, lots of archers, lots of warriors, some thrall, and four dwarves. I didn't know how people played BC, but I figured if you win the archer battle, you win the game, just like everything else.
Everyone who plays BC on this map does what we did. They go to the land bridge in the middle and duke it out, with a few ghols at the top and bottom for minor skirmishes and scouting. We did this in the first game. What happened? Well, for starters, I got my ass kicked. I was doing pretty well. My archers were killing most of his, I had taken out his wight, etc. When he came with another wight out of the water and took out three of my archers. I still had more than him and was still winning the archer battle, but he was winning the ghol battles at the top and bottom. Then he came out with more wights, both sides. I was reduced to about 4 archers, and he attacked. I did my best, but he won by more than 15% damage, and I was eliminated. He had gotten at least 4 wights and used them well.
I decided to give it another go, since I was being taken to school and all by this guy (who was very friendly btw). The second game was set up the same as the first. I knew I couldn't beat him at his game, so I tried to make him play mine. I got lots of ghols this time. I sent 6 to the south, 3 to the middle, and all of my other forces to the north. I set up on the little hill up there with a serious force. Meanwhile my ghols killed off their ghols to the south (I had more there). When he saw where I was, he sent his wights northward. My south ghols saw them, and one ghol killed three wights down there.
At this point I was winning. He brought his archers up north across the river from mine. His warriors came across the land bridge and north, along with his dwarves (I got no dwarves for the second game). His ghols crossed the river, as did some of his archers. Then his warriors attacked. I had the better position, and was winning. Meanwhile, I moved all my ghols across the land bridge his side of the river, and up north. They routed his remaining archers from behind and the battle was won for me by a 20% margin (he had 2 archers left when time ran out).
So what did I learn? Well, I still prefer other games (especially Bacon) to BC, but I was wrong to say no skill is involved. If you do like BC, though, mix it up! I won even though I lacked experience in the game because I made him play it my way. It was fun. I'll post the film if anyone wants it.
March 11, 1998: Just a note to my readers about the admins. There are currently 23 of us that are active. If you see someone claiming to be an admin, and they do not have the
Caste Icon next to their name, be very suspicious. Rumor has it a player was suspended last night for trying to impersonate an admin...
Some people that ARE Admins:
Samurai Cat!
SatanTM (me) - please note no funky ASCII
Yeroen (the admin demi-god)
Crimson King
We are working on an Admin FAQ, and it will be posted on when it's done. Hopefully we will be able to keep all the common questions in it answered for you.
March 10, 1998: Sons of Myrgard is now a sponsor for The Myth Codex "Heavenly Host" site, a place where honorable players can register and play others. This is the wy to play and not end up in a game with a bailer, cheater, or jump-starter.
Added a link to Vlad's and Kith's Mythics, a nice site I just found. Check it out!
Nothing much else to report. The Admin power is in full swing. If you haven't seen us, look at this picture I took tonight. Don't misbehave on or we'll get you! Seriously, it's good to have power again. We can now do what we were meant to do... to help out the users. And yes, we are sending out warnings and suspending accounts of those who choose not to follow the rules.
In other related news, Case at The Myth Codex has started the Heavenly Hosts list, where you can play and not worry about being bailed on or otherwise cheated while playing on If you are in a HH game and get cheated, save the film and screenshots and send them to Case.
March 3, 1998: Added a link to The Keep of Legolas. This site has improved a lot since I first saw it. Check it out...
In other news, we recently broke 40,000 unique homepage imprints, capping a strong week with 10,115 total page requests.
I played some fun bacon games on Carnage last night. I have found what I would call an oddity at the very least. I played two games of bacon here on two different nights. In both cases someone else started in the middle. In both cases they used dwarves to blast the ball out of the middle. And in both cases the ball came to rest in the same spot. Weird? You bet. I'll post the films when I get a chance, but it was odd because (1) different amounts of charges were used, (2) one game was dark, the other light, (3) in the dark game fetch lightning set the satchels off instead of cocktails.
Try it out and see if you can duplicate it. I'm going to.
Feb 27, 1998: Thanks again to David "Malt-O-Meal"Ondrik, we now have up walkthroughs for The Watcher and River of Blood. Check them out on the Solo Strategy Page.
I also want to thank David Yaseen for sending me a copy of my old "Shadow of the Mountain" walkthrough page. I lost it in my system crash, and it's nice to have it back and in working form. Thanks David!
Well, we're not The Codex, but this site has been pretty popular lately. Since January 25, we have served 11,402 distinct hosts. During that time the server has sent out 2.848 Gigabytes of data, averaging about 94 Megabytes per day. The lowest number of "hits" on a given day was 1200, and the highest was 2070. Not bad if I do say so myself (and I just did). See the full stats by clicking on the counter at the bottom of the page.
Feb 26, 1998: Finally added some more walkthroughs. Special thanks to Dennis "Pigseye" Taylor for his Road North walkthrough, and to David "Malt-O-Meal"Ondrik for his walkthrough of Across the Gjol.
In other news, I have added a link to the Myrkridian Architects, a site dedicated to Myth Map Making. They will probably be the first group with a third party map for you to try out, so keep an eye on them.
Feb 20, 1998: Been playing with the TAG editing stuff. I modified my Tutorial Map so that I get to use 4 Alrics, kill some "evil villagers", and attack with 8 spider queens. I also got to "heal" a Fetch... did you know a fetch gets better when healed? I thought they would die... maybe it's only in the tutorial map that they act like that.
I am going to mess around with some other stuff Hex editing tonight. The running rumor is that you can make a warrior shoot Balor's lightning blast, but I doubt it. We shall see I guess. If you see my "Satan's Hex Guinea Pigs" game tonight, please come in and test with me.
Oh, and I will definitely post three walkthroughs this weekend. I have them in my posession thanks to two of my readers who also are HTML-saavy. They'll get credit in the posting when I put them up.
Feb 18, 1998: I have exclusive shots of a new Myth Map Editor! How, well, I am one of the programmers working on it. It's called VGIS. You can see it HERE. Don't get too excited though, it will probably never see the light of public eye.
I've been busy workin on web sites, but not this one. Fear not, my readers come to your rescue! I have no less than three walkthroughs ready to post, and I am awaiting the arrival of a fourth from Pigseye. We will have walkthroughs up through "The Watcher", hopefully by weeks' end.
So what have I been working on? Well, the Myth Admin Web Site, of course. It is now officially online. Some admins have already registered and begun using it. We now have a way to track and REPORT abuse. So if you see an abuse, here's what you need:
- The login of the offender. Get this by clicking on their name in the main rooms and typing ".score". Their name is the first item in the lines that are printed.
- The offender's screen name (or one of them anyway). You will know this one.
- A film showing some evidence of the offense. Screen shots of chat rooms work too if the offense is racial/ethnic/sexual/etc slurs and takes place there.
- We are serious about this, but there are about 15 of us and 10,000 of you. You have to help.
Feb 12, 1998: Well, I played fairly well overall, but so did everyone else. I royally screwed up in the first game, coming in fourth. That effectively put me out of the running, despite the fact that I finished third and first in the next two games respectively. The funny thing is, I didn't lose to Loki either, who was certainly the player I expected to beat me if anyone did. The final tally was:
Satan (me) Loki ThorulfR duckU Alhazred Game 1: LMOTH on Grave 2 3 5 4 1 Game 2: Flag Rally on Carnage 3 5 2 4 1 Game 3: Territories on Mudpit 5 2 4 3 1 Totals 10 10 11 11 3 Alhazred didn't suck that bad, he didn't show up. It could have been an ISP problem or something, but sheesh. If someone was lucky enough to get picked, they should have played.As you can see, it was close all the same. 1 point determined who went into sudden death. If there had been another game I might have won. I started poorly but finished strong. I didn't stick around to see who won the sudden death between duckU and ThorulfR, but whoever it was, I wish them luck inthe next round.
BTW, Case at the Myth Codex had some notes on the tournament worth reading.
Feb 11, 1998: I'll be playing tonight in the tournament in the 10pm bracket. I am up against Loki, so I may not even get past the first round (but you never know, I've been playing well lately, and I always play good games like LMOTH, Rally, etc. that are used for tourney games).
If you haven't guessed, my page has lost some of its momentum lately. I've been busy with work, and I've been working on the Admin web site on the side. This is not to say that I will never complete it, but I will say that I'd love for someone to step forward to help me. If you'd like to write up walkthroughs for the remaining levels (I will even supply the films if your playing skill isn't great), email me and we'll work it out. Thanks.
Feb 5, 1998: I haven't been Mything lately due to time constraints, but I will. I'm in the "Valentines Day Massacre" Tournament. I'm also proceeding to Round 2 of the Camelot Cup following the mwD's victory over the Resevoir Dogs.
I re-added a link to Myth Central that got lost during the crash a few weeks ago.
Also, I'm in the process of designing and scripting the admin database, where all of us newly-empowered admins can keep track of all the cheaters and losers ruining Max at Bungie is giving the admins some teeth, so once my system is online, you'd better watch out! Maybe I should call it "Bungie's Big Brother"! Heh.
Feb 3, 1998: Well, it's official. We admins finally have the power to suspend accounts of users who abuse their accounts (with some bungie checks and balances). The first user has already been suspended. Here is what a suspended user will get as email:
User login: xxxxxxxx We've provided this service free of charge to enhance the experience of playing our games. Toward this end we have to establish some rules so that is used for what it was designed to do: provide an environment for gaming and the social interaction of gamers. is about having fun playing games, and we will not tolerate any use that's not consistent with this. We will not tolerate: 1. Stalking, harassing, or physically threatening another player 2. Using language that is abusive of another player's race, sex, religion or ethnicity 3. Using foul, offensive or sexually explicit language In response to your violation of these rules, and because this is your second warning, your account has been suspended. It will be reinstated on mm dd, yyyy.In other news, I actually got an award for my web site. Not one I've heard of, but still, kind of cool. I was the "Flung Site of the Day" for Feb. 2, 1998. You can see it Here.
Well, the fetch trick controversy rages on. People keep emailing me asking hwo to do it (don't ask me, please, go read it at the Myth Codex), people on are pissed about it, bla bla. Well, it's there, so you'd better learn to do it. I've decided only to use it if it's being used against me. I'm pretty good at it now, so if you see me, you'd better not try it against me!
I'm buying a house! We are closing March 27, and I'm quite excited. If you want to see the ad on the web for my neighborhood-to-be, take a look HERE. Note that this ad is over 6 months old, so it's a little out of date. My house is still being built -- we're going to pick out carpet and wood stain on Thursday. Cool, eh?
Feb 1, 1998: Well, everyone has heard of the long-range fetch trick by now, but if you've never seen it, I made a film to demonstrate. Get it HERE (Mac) or HERE (windows) and take a look. If you want to know how to do it, the Myth Codex web site has an explanation. I don't want to tell people because it's a bug, and it makes the game less fair.
What a blast I had last night! We played the Resevior Dogs in the first round of the Camelot Cup. We had more than 4 in the Myth Webmaster's Disorder who wanted to play, so we fielded 4 per game. I played in the first two games, and it was really fun. I had to go to bed after that, so I don't know how it all ended up yet, but we were doing pretty well when I left (one tie, one all-out-victory). If you wanna see the films, take a look at them HERE. The second one was really good for me -- I wiped out 33 units while losing only 8. The Resevoir Dogs played well though and are a worthy opponent.
I have moved some stuff around, moving the news onto the main page for easier access, and putting the solo levels on their own page for less clutter. Let me know if you don't like it.
I also uploaded my Myth Movie Autotyper for Mac users. It sets the type and creator to the right settings for Myth to recognize them. Find it on my Films Page.
Jan 29, 1998: If you're like me, you can't wait for the Myth level editors to come out. If you're wondering how they are progressing, take a look at the MythAdventures Myth Map Editors & New Maps FAQ. It's got some of the info to quench your thirst for knowledge.
The site is back up to about 95%. There are still a few broken images (I'll fix them this weekend, I promise), and my counter is non-existant. Also, I need to compile the stats package for this new server so I can see who is coming to see me. I was getting an average of 1600 hits per day, but I'm sure all the down time has hurt that. Maybe when i get some new content online that will lure people back.
I re-added links to some of the newer site links that were lost when TheResistance went down. Go to the Links Page to see them...
Jan 28, 1998: Sons of Myrgard is Back! We lost our server and all is contents, as well as our colocation, l in one day, It's taken the better part of two weeks to find a new location and get a new server set up. I had to recreate the DNS entries, set up a new mail server, etc. The result is what you see... everything should seem just like before. The underlying hardware is all different though. We are now running on an Indy running IRIX and a Mac IIci running System 7.6 (instead of all of it on a PPC 6100 running MkLinux and a Quadra 605 running MacOS8).
I am in the process of re-uploading all the files. There are a lot, so it may take a few days for all the walkthroughs to get back online. Be patient.
Someone emailed me and told me my site was mentioned in the Houston Chronicle. I haven't found it online yet though, so if anyone does, please give me the URL. Or, if you're in Houston, snail-mail me the article. I'd like to see my 15 minutes of fame!
Jan 10, 1998: Well, I had a great time in San Francisco. What a great city. I'm back and ready to update the site. I'll be doing a walkthrough today. In the mean time, I am redoing my films in a form people should like better. Go tot eh Solo Films Page for a preview of what is to come!
Jan 6, 1998: I'm writing you using my eMate from my hotel room in San Francisco during the Macworld Expo.
It's Tuesday the 6th of January. I left for SFO at 9:25 AM EST this morning, and my plane touched down about 11:05 AM PST. From there I got on a shuttle (at the suggestion of Jude, my boss) to go to the hotel. The only problem was that they dropped me off at the Hyatt Regency, NOT at the Grand Hyatt at Union Square. So here I was in a strange city with all my luggage and no clue where to go. I bought a ticket on the BART (like MARTA in Atlanta) train and rode it towards the hotel. I then proceeded to wander around until 1:00 PM looking for it before I finally got it right (with some help from friendly pamphlet girls on the sidewalk).
So I checked into my hotel, put on more deodorant, combed my hair, and went to the Expo. The badge process is pretty neat; you go in, pay, and go to a UMAX Mac and fill out a form (looked like Filemaker Pro). When you're done, you go pick up the printed badge and go on in.
I went to the Bungie booth, met Tuncer and all the Bungie gang (along with Loki, one of the more famous players), haggled for a T-shirt and poster, and went on my way. I wandered around the Expo for the next few hours, gathering free T-shirts wherever I could.
Then the good stuff started. I was getting tired, and I was waiting at the Insignia booth for the presentation to end so I could get my free shirt. I got my shirt and sat down to rest. They then called out my name and said I won a free copy of Insignia's RealPC (a new emulator). I was quite happy with that. As I was walking away with my prize, I saw Gregory Hines at a booth talking to someone. I went over, introduced my self, and shook his hand. I said I didn't know he was a Mac user, and he replied "Oh yeah! Mac all the way!" It was so cool -- never met a real celebrity before, and he was a Mac user to boot!
Now I'm back at the hotel, tired and ready for some food. I haven't eaten since breakfast in all my excitement. San Francisco is a really cool city, and I hope I have time to see a lot more of it.
So what Mac news is there? Well, for starters, Apple turned a $46 million profit this quarter. VirtualPC 2.0 is coming out next month with a 40% speed boost. MacOS 8.1 will be a free upgrade and can be downloaded in February. Quicktime 3.0 is awesome. I will find out when we get the final of that. BTW, there are Macworld signs and posters all over town. This show is BIG! It's at least as big as Comdex, and the content is a lot better!
I will be checking my email each night, so send me and comments/questions you have. I'm having a blast! BTW, I'm coming back late Thursday evening.
Jan 5, 1998: Well, the official score reset has happened. I am once again a dagger (or three daggers anyway). So far I've played 6 games since the reset. When I get two more games in, I'll have enough to get beyond dagger (8 is the minimum to get a better rank). I was mostly playing flag rally, because I no longer like CTF, and team games are no fun when you can't trust your teammates. In any case, get in there and kick some butt!
Also, I added a link to a new site I found, Mike's Myth Times. Check it out!
Jan 4, 1998: Added walkthrough for Mission 17: Sons of Myrgard
Jan 2, 1998: I am still going to the San Francisco Macworld Expo. I'm scheduled to arrive at 11:24 AM and will head to my hotel and drop my stuff off. I should be at the Expo by 1:00 at the latest. If you want/need to meet with me there, email me sometime before then and let me know. I'm going alone so I'll be looking for friendly faces to hang out with. I'm going to try to get as much out of my first visit to California as possible.
In more relevant news, there's a problem uncovered by Ferrex (from Myth Unlimited) where anyone can hack saved films and change player names, colors, and in-game comments. For this reason, everyone needs to beware of suspicious films of some loser who beats all of the top 10 players in a game...
Finally, I'll hopefully be updating the site with more walkthroughs soon. I was supposed to get some help over the holiday but there were some unfortunate "OUT OF SYNC" complications. Oh well. I'll put up the next two levels before I leave for San Fran if I can. BTW, we're rapidly approaching 20,000 hits -- should pass it today. See you online!
Dec 30, 1997: Added the walkthrough for Mission 16: The Smiths of Muirthemne
Also updated my link to Joshstar's Myth for Macs a new URL on the Links Page. Update those bookmarks!
Dec 25, 1997: Merry Christmas! I posted the walkthrough for Mission 15: Heart of the Stone for your viewing pleasure.
Also added a link to Lord Chromag's MythAdventures on my Links Page.
Dec 23, 1997: I think I have all the DNS stuff working now. If you send me email and it bounces, please let me know at Otherwise, use my regular email address and I should get it ok. I have an SGI that I am going to migrate some of the stuff to (maybe just the Myth stuff, and leave the DNS where it is) to help with bandwidth and CPU constraints (I'm amazed that a 6 year old Powermac can handle 15000+ hits/day without crashing). We're still configuring the Solstice firewall at the second site, but I will hopefully get it all working over my Christmas break (I'm taking off the 23rd through the 1st as vacation time). Hopefully I can add a bunch of walkthroughs then as well and maybe update the look of the site to something more spiffy.
Dec 22, 1997: I've apparently been having mail problems at the resistance. I'll look into it, but in the mean time, you can email me at and I will get it. Sorry about that, and I'll see what's going on in the DNS as soon as I have a chance. In the mean time, the web server seems to still be working ok. If you have any problems (besides mail, that is), please let me know so I can fix it.
Dec 20, 1997: Added a walkthrough for Mission 14: Forest Heart
Dec 18, 1997: Updated the Multiplayer Notes Page with a strategy for winning a game of LMOTH that has a camper in it. Everyone is always complaining about campers, so I thought I'd try to help people fight it better.
Dec 16, 1997: Replayed and saved solo level films up to and including River of Blood. I haven't played these levels in a while, and it's interesting to note some changes from the beta tests. Some levels (like "The Road North" and "Across the Gjol") are still too easy, but they are fun nonetheless.
What this means for you, my readers, is that I will upload the films to watch while I make the walkthroughs. I'm going to put the films into zip archives and stuffit files and create a separate films page in addition to having links on the walkthroughs themselves. This should eliminate hte downloading confusion that has occurred in the past.
Updated the Links Page with a link to the newly renovated Myth Battle Zone.
Updated the FAQ with the other cheat code.
Dec 15, 1997: Finally got around to playing the "secret level" this weekend. I'd known about it for a while, but I had never actually played it. I have to say, this level was FUN. Remember the satisfaction of blowing away all those soulless in Ambush at Devil's Overlook? Well think of the same idea with about a hundred ghols instead. It was really cool to watch them all go kaboom. I'd like to see how others won it to see how my strategy differed. I had to try three different strategies before I found one that worked for me.
BTW, I didn't have any trouble at all blowing up the statue once I got a chance to try. If you look at it, it's pretty easy to see where you'd blow it up if it were real (at least, it was to me). I did manage to drop 100 tons of rock on my dwarf in the process (heh, didn't even kill him). I will do my Sons of Myrgard walkthrough without the secret level, and then tell how to get to the secret level on the walkthrough for it. That way there are no spoilers for people who want to find it themselves.
In unrelated news, my site broke 10,000 visits this weekend (not hits, but times the home page was actually loaded -- my total hits is 219,434 as of 8 AM this morning). The log analyzer counts 7577 unique hosts requesting pages. Discounting people with dynamic IP addresses, I would still say I have had 5000 or so people come here. I have seen log entries from more than 40 countries, and from domains such as Apple, Microsoft, Boeing, Lockheed, Oracle, and more. Pretty cool.
I heard that 350,000 copies of Myth have been sold, so maybe my visitors will increase even further. I don't do Myth news per se, so my numbers will not approach those of Myth Unlimited. Still, I have not seen anyone else providing the information that I am, so I will continue to work on keeping my site current.
Dec 14, 1997: Added walkthrough for Mission 13: Seven Gates
Dec 12, 1997: I have not been computing much lately. Played a few games on, trying to recover from the heinous defeats I had during one night of abysmal playing earlier in the week. I am now a "lord". I don't know that I care about my rank per se, but I'd like my fancy crown back all the same. I have 1119 points right now, and I know that 1125 is a crown. One good game should do it if I have time to play tonight or tomorrow.
I know none of you care about such things, but you do care when the next set of walkthroughs will be posted. I haven't worked on them lately, but I'll do some this weekend. I have some more help lined up for further walkthroughs, and this guy is reliable. Look for level help from Lord Danzig coming in the future.
Ever wonder which of the walkthroughs are accessed the most (and thus, which levels people thing are the most difficult). I did, so I told my server stats package to give me more info than usual. Here's what I found:
Level Number of Requests Crow's Bridge 2109 A Traitor's Grave 1365 Flight From Covenant 1323 Siege of Madrigal 1201 Force Ten from Stoneheim 1173 Homecoming 978 Bagrada 780 Silvermines 600 Out of the Barrier 541 Ambush at Devil's Overlook 522 The Five Champions 476 Shadow of the Mountain 266 You can see all the gory stats at The regular stats are calculated every four hours and can be access by clicking on the counter on the main page.
It's interesting to note that the most accessed walkthroughs are those that were posted first. People seem to have had the most trouble so far with Flight From Covenant and Silvermines.
Dec 10, 1997: I was inducted into the Myth Webmasters Disorder, an order of Myth Webmasters who play for fun rather than rank.
Dec 9, 1997: Posted the walkthrough for Mission 12: Shadow of the Mountain
Updated the Multiplayer Notes page with some more rants.
Bungie has announce that they'll be giving away copies of Myth at Macworld SanFrancisco to the first few people to show up at their booth. I already have two Myth CDs, so I won't be among them. All the same, I am going to Macworld this year. I have wanted to go for about 8 years, and I finally have the time and financial means to do so. I'll be hopping on a plane from Atlanta out there probably on the 6th. See you there!
Well, I didn't do walkthroughs last night. I decided to play instead. I'm really pissed about a bug in Myth 1.1b3 where it wouldn't save films correctly. I had some great battles and decisive victories that I would have liked to have had the replays for. Oh well, I've verified that the 1.1b4 version does save them correctly again.
Dec 8, 1997: Ok, someone finally caught me, so I thought I'd let it out. Satan is nowhere to be found on the leader board, and yet I said I have an imperial crown. I wasn't lying, but people were looking under the wrong name. As I said before, I have been playing lately as another name, one I got from Steven King's masterpiece (in progress). The name I have been using is Roland of Gilead. Roland is a gunslinger in a series of books known as The Dark Tower series. I am just finishing the recently-released fourth volume, and was inspired. I may be on as Satan occasionally, but Roland is a far more noble character than Satan is. A gunslinger is like a knight in the world in which Roland lives, and it is both a position of power and one of respect. "Hile gunslingers! To me!"
Added a link to Lophan's "JJ's Myth Page". This is a good personal site that is updated regularly.
Updated the FAQ with more info, including notes on cheats in Myth and fixing some typos that happened in vi and bash on the server last time I updated. I'll try to post Shadow of the Mountain tonight, and hopefully Seven Gates and Forest Heart tomorrow afternoon/evening.
Dec 7, 1997: Updated the FAQ with some notes on using the films. I probably won't have time to do the next few walkthroughs until tomorrow night, but I definitely will get them online then.
Dec 4, 1997: Haven't played Myth or used my computer in two days. I'll try to post at least the next two walkthroughs this weekend. Hopefully I'll get in some playing time too.
Also, interestingly enough, my rank has gone UP while I've been away. I now have one of those caste12 (imperial crown) castes. Funny. Anyway, everyone knows by now that the scores are going to be reset soon enough anyway, so I'm not going to bother trying to get ranked. The jump could be from my performance the first night I got the update (played four games, haven't played any since). I was kicking butt and taking names that night.
Dec 4, 1997: As promised by Bungie, the updater was released yesterday (or a public beta of it anyway). I spend about an hour last night playing with it on (using my secret identity). I played four ranked games, (won three of them, finished third out of four in the other) and had a generally good time. I have to say that the 4-person rule for ranked games is great. It's a lot easier to get groups together to play with you when they have to. Also, I saw Body Count games in ranked rooms. What's up with that? I'll have to look into it tonight.
I'm going to work on a complete, separate section of my site dedicated to multiplayer strategy. I really want to get all the single player levels online too. Once that is done, the multiplayer area will really take off. I don't intend to take the place of great sites like MythFiles, but I hope to have some unique ideas and content.
Dec 3, 1997: there were some last minute problems with the 1.1 Myth update, but it should be out today, according to MythFiles. When it comes out, get it. I really like the changes.
Dec 2, 1997: Added walkthrough for Mission 11: Silvermines
Just got news from Tuncer at bungie about the 1.1 updater for Myth: a public beta of the updater will be posted tonight, with the final hopefully in the next few days. I have played with the updated version, and I can tell you that those of you who have trouble gesture-clicking will like what the update offers to make this easier.
Added a Site FAQ with some of the more common questions that I receive via email.
Dec 1, 1997: Added a link to Daily Diffs Myth, an incredible site worth visiting. It tells you all sorts of neat info about which Myth sites have been updated recently.
Added a link to The Mything Link, a good news and strategy site I found today.
Added walkthrough for Mission 10: Out of the Barrier
I have been playing a good bit on, but you probably haven't seen me. I have been using an assumed name (other than Satan). I won't tell you what it is, but if you've read Steven King's "The Dark Tower" series you can guess it. I got the latest book in the series for my birthday in November and was inspired to use that name for a while. If you can't figure it out, I'll be posting some multiplayer strategy films later this week that I have played under this name.
Added a little rant on my Multiplayer Notes page about some of the lowlife scumbags I've encountered on
Nov 30, 1997: The server has been down for a week (actually the whole domain has). I apologize for that, it was entirely my fault. I had upgraded the server for better performance and uncovered a bug in the new Mach kernal in the process. We finally got it all working well again, and I promise all of the users of theResistance not to break it anymore.
Also, I uploaded the walkthrough for Mission 9: The Five Champions
Nov 23, 1997: Added walkthrough for Mission 8: Ambush at Devil's Overlook written by Dennis Taylor, Pigseye on Dennis will help me to get more walkthoughs online faster.
Also, I went back and found the films for Missions 5 and Mission 6. Go to those pages to get the films if you need them. I don't have the ones for the first four missions, so I won't be posting them.
Nov 21, 1997: Added a link to The Internetter Myth Chat Center. Pretty neat web implementation of chat. Let's see if people use it.
Added some tips and my strategy for LMOTH on "I'll Dance on your Grave" to my Multiplayer Notes page.
Updated the site design. Moved the News and Links to separate pages. Added a navigation bar to better handle the more broad spectrum of information filtering into the site. Let me know if you like the changes.
Nov 19, 1997: Added walkthrough for Mission 7: Bagrada
Go check out Case's article about the problems with's ranking system. This is a real problem that all players should be aware of.
Also, I have two people who have volunteered to help me with my web site to get more walkthroughs online faster. I have finished the Bagrada walkthrough and will begin on Five Champions, while others work on Ambush at Devil's Overlook and Out of Barrier. These levels (and all future ones) will include the films as well as the images.
Finally, I have updated my Multiplayer Notes Page with a table of contents and a new commentary on poor sportsmanship on
Nov 17, 1997: Added my new Multiplayer Notes Page. This page will be a place for me to rant and give advice about multiplayer games. Right now there is info there about choosing which units to use in multiplayer games, and how to use them effectively, as well as some notes on campers in LMOTH games.
Upgraded the server to MkLinux DR2.1 Update 6. This should make it handle the added load of this site better. We are getting more than 800 hits per day on Sons of Myrgard now!
Removed the link to 40oz of Myth since it is merging with MythFiles.
Nov 14, 1997: I am considering using saved films from other players as the basis for future walkthroughs if they are better than my own (on levels not yet posted) -- if you are interested and had great success on the Normal difficulty level (no easy, no co-op, no Legendary) let me know by sending me the film with a description.
Also, if you are good at HTML, use a Mac (so we can use the same tools), and would like to help with creating some of the walkthroughs (you'll get credit of course), let me know that also. I am not interested in the poor-quality HTML generated by GUI tools like HomePage, Pagemill, CyberStudio, etc. You gotta know your stuff. Email me at if interested.
Nov 12, 1997: Added walkthrough for Mission 6: Force Ten from Stoneheim
Nov 10, 1997: Added walkthrough for Mission 5: Flight From Covenant
Nov 10, 1997: Added a link to Tails' Mythic Tales and to Brymen's Strategy Page
Also, I played some demo games online this weekend. I especially had some good team games Sunday night. If anyone is interested in my putting up a films section, let me know. Otherwise I will leave that in the capable hands of Coldfront at MythFiles
Nov 7, 1997: Added a link to Ol' Dirty's 40oz of Myth
Nov 6, 1997: Added walkthrough for Mission 4: Homecoming
Nov 5, 1997: The Myth Demo is out! It contains two levels: Crow's Bridge and Bagrada, as well as one network level
Nov 4, 1997: I moved the news to a separate page and added some links to other good Myth sites
Nov 4, 1997:
I have been chosen as a admin -- see you online!Nov 2, 1997:
Added walkthrough for Mission 3: The Siege of MadrigalNov 2, 1997:
Added walkthrough for Mission 2: A Traitor's GraveOct. 30, 1997:
Site created with walkthrough for Mission 1: Crow's Bridge
| David Shaw