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Here is a select sampling of fantastic new units you can expect to face and/or control in The Seventh God.
You will also be controlling some familiar forces such as Dwarves, Dwarven Mortars, Warriors, Warlocks, Berserks, and Brigands. We're not going to go into specific abilities of each of the New Units mainly because that would take all the fun of playing it the first time, wouldn't it?
Suffice to say, some of these new units will have abilities completely unheard of in Myth and previously thought impossible.

The Warlocks in the Synod of the Burning Stone have had a relationship with these human Wizards that has been described as everything from friendly competition to intense rivalry. The two schools of magic occupy opposing wings in the great university in Thell. Warlocks return in The Seventh God, but the Wizards are perhaps just as powerful, albeit in very different ways. The two schools will have to resolve their differences and join forces to hold off the assault of B'tahk.
 Centuries of wisdom available at the expense of a few moments thought... Such is the power of the Elven Elders. The Elvens tend to direct their magics towards goodness rather than destruction, but when pressed to fight, their enemies would do well to flee. The power of the already formidable Elven Army is significantly increased when a few Eldars lead the charge.
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You know what they say about the female of the species. Nimble of foot and graceful in appearance, the Elven Archeress is quick and dextrous, wielding her longbow with unswerving accuracy. Though fast both in movement and attack, the archeress will not stand up to much abuse in the heat of battle.

Strong and fair warriors, the Elven Soldiers attack quickly and skillfully, dicing their opponents with keen blades. They use their shields both to block enemy attacks, and as bashing weapons in the heat of battle. Inhabiting the Cincian Woods, these soldiers are resolute in their defense of their forest and their capital city, Savahn. Like all elven units, the soldiers are quick and graceful.

It is said that the Dwarves first appeared from over the sea in balloons many generations ago. Quickly taming the hostile land they encountered with steel and fire, the dwarves claimed Harvek Mountain and hollowed out a vast city from its interior. That was six hundred years ago. Many dwarves are trained in the generations-old art of explosives that the fighting members of their Eastern kin favor, but the majority in the Four Kingdoms, their arms strengthened by a lifetime of mining and smith-work in the still-growing underground fortress, wield huge battleaxes nearly as big as they are. Dwarven Axes are slow, but tough and fierce combatants.

When the Cult of the Seventh God took hold in the Western kingdoms, there was a brief Civil War as the enemies of Borrakal banded together to stop the madness from spreading throughout the land. But the puny and weak priests of life, earth, and sea were no match for the Disciples of the God of War. Striding confidently towards any who would dare oppose them, a mere glance from the cold eyes of these magi broke the lines in many a battle, and before too much damage was caused, all of the Goblin race was united under the Red Banner. Now, the Disciples of The Seventh God act as missionaries in the assault on the Four Kingdoms... And the best way to save one's soul is to kill them in battle before they have a chance to show weakness before the God of War.

Fat, ugly and dangerous cannot begin to describe the female counterpart of the Dragon. One wonders what those majestic flying creatures see in these slugs. Though not very fast, these behemoths can shred a man to pieces in a melee. Her breath is even more dangerous than the fire spewed by her male counterparts; one may be forgiven for thinking oneself in an adventure of Perseus when approaching her lair. Killing her is almost as bad as letting her live.

Majestic, beautiful, and deadly. Few sights can match the awesome impact of seeing these huge creatures soar over the landscape, and few terrors can match the experience of those who flee before their fury. Those soldiers unlucky enough to possess nothing more than melee weapons can only run until caught and roasted from behind. Even archers, magi, and crossbowmen will have a rough time bringing down a Dragon before they get close enough to cook their foes in a breath of flame.
Strong, steady, and disciplined, the core of the goblin armies are the common goblin warriors. Their bloodstained blades, neither sword nor axe but a cruel marriage of both, are designed to torture as much as to kill. Iron armor and round, painted shields complete their fearsome appearance. Though not incredibly powerful, the relentless advance of columns of marching goblins should be a source of distinct concern.
The strongest and most dedicated warriors are often selected for training in the Imperial Guard. The religious fervor that permeates the very being of these beasts of war allows them to commit deeds of the most unspeakable horror in the name of their creed. Their bloody single-mindedness allows them to ignore pain and charge forth with murderous intention, shrugging off arrows and other projectiles. The Goblin Elite are clad in iron armor and forgo a conventional shield in favor of a huge blade. In battle, their blade swings like a pendulum, ceasing only when the Goblin's fancy compels him to fight with his fists and feet.

Shrieking of the return of their Gods, the Orcan Tribesmen descend from the hills upon Kalnethor. Primitive cousins of the Goblins, the Tribesmen have been given civilized weapons and goaded into open hostility on the four kingdoms... The fearsome Disciples of the Seventh God in the Empire of B'tahk awe them with their magic and promise retribution for a millenium of ill will. Wielding curved scimitars in one hand and short cane bows in the other, the Orcans are nothing if not versatile, although they are quite inept in using their new weapons.
When the firey savagery of the Worg can be tamed to the point that the beast will allow a rider to mount it, the result is the powerful Worg-Rider. This unit has a long-ranged crossbow attack, a close-range warg-maul attack, and a fearsome reputation that causes many a weak-kneed soldier to flee in utmost despair at their approach.
Glowing red eyes approaching from shadow of night at incredible speed herald the approach of the warg pack. Gigantic, fearsome animals, Worgs possess a rudimentary intelligence that allows the Goblins to train them as allies in battle. You can fight, but you cannot run from the fastest units on the battlefield.
Grinning stone behemoths with huge teeth and red eyes, the moss-covered troll lurks in the shadows, the swamps, and beneath rivers and lakes, waiting for an opportunity to rise up and attack. They wield no weapon and wear no armor, but their great strength allows them to absorb and inflict serious pain.
Unit names & likenesses are subject to change at Creations discretion.