Mirrored by Baak (OoH) with permission from Clem · Questions? Please contact Baak here or here - Enjoy!

A wonderful new Multi Player Map set on a big square place inside the walls of Covenant. The map is designed for FFA & Team games, supports all game types. The models placed on the map make a good spot providing many different tactics.

The plugin contains 6 different variants (2,4,8 Teams) + a Solo Player Level introducing the map’s game play!

Escape from Covenant. (solo level)
“I fingered the hilt of my sword nervously, growing ever more certain of the hopelessness of our situation. It hadn't rained in seventeen days. The wells were poisoned - a hermit seeking refuge from the outside claimed to have seen at least a dozen wights being herded into the Tiber several miles upstream. The armies of the Dark surrounded the city for miles in every direction. With each passing moment, the fate of Covenant grew dimmer...”

The level has new pregame and postgame artwork and comes up with a short story on what happened so far. Sounds like fun, eh? I’d like to thank Ares for scripting the fun level and helping me to finally finish this map.


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