Mirrored by Baak (OoH) with permission from Clem · Questions? Please contact Baak here or here - Enjoy!

So you wanna take on Soulblighter? Grab your plastic sword and lets do it!

The final installment in the Leggo My Myth series. Leggo III is the combination of the units from Leggo I and II, with the addition of 3 new plastic friends. Take your toys on a journey to defeat Soulblighter in the Myth II solo campaign, or play on any of the multiplayer maps featuring the original Myth II units.

Leggo III is a unit tagset only, with no included maps. This allows for play on any standard Myth II map or solo campaign (unfortunately not Chimera). The Leggo units used are: mech, footman, crossbowman, bishop, saiyan, thrall (new!), cavalry, soulless (new!), cannon, Santa (new!), jarjar, hover, dragon, duck and wizard. These units give a new feel to your old favorite multplayer and solo maps.

Start your solo campaign off and you will be gradually introduced to the new and fun features added by the units. Strategies will be changed, units will be stomped, jarjar will be annoying and the plastic will fly!!!

The idea for Leggo III was Synapsed of the clan =A=, he merged the two original unit sets and modified then to fit Bungies solo and multiplayer maps. Head over to =A=‘s
website for more information on his great work.

All units, artwork and bad jokes by Rohan.

Download LEGGO Tagset

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