This is the fourth mission of Myth: The Fallen Lords. In this mission, your group is sent through a World Knot (a kind of teleporter) to retrieve an ancient book called the Total Codex. You have to get it before the Watcher (one of the Fallen Lords) does and get away before his troops arrive.
This mission gives you access to a large force of troops, including every unit you have commanded in the game thus far. You get warriors, archers, dwarves, and a journeyman. You will come up against wights, ghols, soulless, and thrall. Don't think this level is just more of the same though; the wiley ghols may have a trick behind their backs for you if you're not careful.
You start this map by warping in through the world knot. Your warriors come in first, followed by your archers and dwarves, and finally the journeyman. You will be under attack as soon as you start the level, so be prepared. Run the warriors into the ruins where they will be safe. Kill a ghol or two on the way if the opportunity presents itself.
When the archers arrive, send them after the soulless. They should kill them all without much trouble. Kill off any remaining ghols with archer fire. Be careful not to let the dwarves do anything stupid and kill all the archers. When the immediate threat is gone, regroup on the far wall of the ruins and use the journeyman to heal any wounded units. Move your army down the slope and towards the remains of the church. As you come up, you will see the first wave of attackers, consisting of a few Thrall and some Soulless. Kill them off. Meanwhile, you will hear fighting in the church courtyard. That is the first party sent to get the Total Codex. They will probably all be dead by the time you finish fighting the first wave, but they did make your job a lot easier. Notice all the carnage in the courtyard when you get there. The remaining thrall from the courtyard battle are shown in the picture to the left. You should be able to kill them off easily.
When you get close to the Codex, you may see another small group of thrall coming to attack. I used this as an opportunity to show the advantage a dwarf has over the thrall in battle. Does six-on-one sound unfair? Well it is, for the six! The dwarf makes short work of the slow-moving undead. Dwarves should always be the preferred way to fight thrall when there are no other enemy units around. You'll really get to see this in an upcoming level called "The Five Champions".
As you probably know by now, the key to successful dwarf usage is keeping them alive while not killing your own guys. I usually set up my units with dwarves in front, warriors in the middle, and archers in back. If there are ghols around, be sure to keep a couple of warriors with the dwarves and archers to protect them. Also, as I've said before, kill all soulless as soon as you see them. They are bad news for the dwarf. The Total Codex is a powerful magical item, so only the journeyman can carry it. It is located in the courtyard amongst all the body parts. You can't miss it (see picture). While you are in the courtyard, notice the realism of the scenery, the hole with the box that contained the Codex before the battle, and the translucent stained-glass windows. The map designer for this level should be proud.
Once you have the Total Codex, the computer takes control of your journeyman, who will show you the way out of Covenant. Follow and protect him. As you leave, you will see lots of ghols harrassing you. They will only come close enough to attack when you are not looking, so be aware. These ghols have a surprise for you though that you have not seen before (and something to remember for net games when you get to use ghols).
As the picture to the left shows, ghols can throw anything they find on the battlefield. This is usually not too bad (throwing sword blades, skulls, etc). However, do you remember hearing explosions in the distance earlier in the game? Well, those explosions were wights being blown to bits. And some of those bits contain wight fever. These bits are called "pus packets", and seem to come from the shoulders of the wight. When the ghols throw them at you, they explode like tiny wights. If it doesn't kill you you'll be paralyzed by wight fever. You don't want to get hit by them. If you spend too much time fighting with the ghols, the Watcher's army will show up. they are shown in the picture to the left. Don't bother fighting them, just follow the journeyman to safety at the bottom of the hill. When you get to the bottom of the hill, you've completed the level! This one was not very hard, but you probably did sustain a few casualties. I lost several warriors and one dwarf.