Mirrored by Baak (OoH) with permission from Clem · Questions? Please contact Baak here or here - Enjoy!

    not really a whole lot I can say about this map other than it will have some quite large two team meshes on it & will be featured as a multiplayer addition to our newest Unnounced project which is already very well underway. We have 4 scripters with experience of the highest rated maps available, 4 mapmakers of legendary abilities, a custom fantasty Novel by writer of Morte Della Luna & Barbarian Valley, as well as a full assortment of Fear Scripting tricks to tickle your fancy.

    Basically, this is the Big One we've been gearing up for all this time!!!

    New project?


    What is it?

    Not gonna tell yet...

    When will we tell?

    Maybe in a few weeks, once 4 or 5 of the the 12+ new units in it are playable. A great deal of them are already Modeled & animated by our fantastic Cydonian.

    Until then... just wait & watch for future hints as this massive project progresses.

Design ©2000 Clem@creationgames.com