Mirrored by Baak (OoH) with permission from Clem · Questions? Please contact Baak here or here - Enjoy!

    The first map in the two level "Separation of Ages" project is River of Gold.

    This map is dark, it's dank, it's creepy, it's spooky, & foremost it has water not unlike milky urine! What more could you want in a map!

    Well, as alot of experiments, this one has it's nay-sayers. Try this for a second... you have a glass of milk & you pour that glass of milk into a small puddle on some dark dirt. What do you see? You see darker milk around the edges & light milk where it is deepest. OK, that is the philosophy with the Urine colored water. In this nasty location I could not justify, blue clear, or muddy brown water. I wanted something different. This water is tepid, it's nasty... it's perfect.

    Only problem you run into when changing something drastic like this is that you do not have "standard" media types that are yellow or gold. Thus-so, you'll notice that when something impacts the water you get a nice gold wave or disturbance. It was a complete pain in the ass, & one that I have not had a single person notice!!!!

    Oh, well. Once again the imagination of the Myth faithfull let me down. Maybe on River of Life i'll do exactly what they want!!!!!

DOWNLOAD NOW River of Gold


Although this map has not done as well as previous maps in ratings, it is one of my favorites. I love the way the powerful artifact sword in the middle that must STAY in the middle, a unique feature never before seen that wannabes who say its Space Invaders Myth must not have NOTICED, radically changes the way the level is played.

Be sure to give it a try.


Design ©2000 Clem@creationgames.com